The Pealing was published online by Coffin Bell magazine.

Helen’s mother was a ghost during her final years of life: creaking around the house at midnight, whispering unintelligibly, unable to articulate her needs and desires. When she went into hospice, it was somehow worse. Helen had grown used to the creaks in the dark, and had taken comfort in the disquiet night. The silence of the dispossessed and un-haunted house was unsettling. When mother finally died, Helen hoped she’d return to the house wearing her white robe, filling the dark hours with whispers and finally allowing Helen a good night’s sleep, but she never did.

Read it in its entirety here.


A Spectre Lurks at the Putt-Putt on Riverside was published online by X-R-A-Y magazine:

The ghost in our town haunts the putt-putt golf course with the big Peter Pan statue out front. The haunting is the only semi-interesting thing about the course, and even the ghost is dull. Kyle from AP Biology works the concessions, wearing a paper hat and staring at his phone. Hot dogs are only a dollar, but you get what you pay for. All the holes are pretty busted, and there’s always a parade of sad single dads tromping around the place with their kids, trying to make up for neglect and inattention and assumptions that they’d always have what they love.

Read it in its entirety here.


Roman Candle is available online at Lost Balloon magazine.

Callie walked past the house, the barn, the piney windbreak, and then through the woods to the prairie. The sky was so clear and blue and cold that her every exhale briefly took flight, like a dove, and then held still: frozen in the air overhead, marking the path back. Her puffy pink coat crinkled and wisped, echoing each crunch as her feet broke through the ice crust on top of the snow.

Read it here.


The Necromancer’s Sister is available online in Volume 4, Issue 2 of Five on the Fifth Magazine.

At dusk, the telephone in the bus driver’s apartment rang in its cradle. Her mother, far away on the other end, had bad news. The bus driver’s twin sister had been in a car accident. She was not expected to live. These were their mother’s words: “She is not expected to live.”

Read the it in its entirety here.